Tuesday 27 May 2014


22 May 2014 Thursday

So what have I learnt from this weeks experience of wearing a suit and looking formal so far.

  • The wearing a tie all day is like being strangled very slowly by a weak person. Wearing a tie and a backpack feels like you have an angry member of the lollypop-guild trying to ride you like a bucking bronco.

  • Wearing a suit in public places makes you feel like you need to be spending more.
  • You constantly have to take the suit jacket on and off. Making sure that it is not getting dirty or creased.

  • I live in Morningside. It is a sad fact that I see many homeless beggars and street children on my drive to VEGA everyday. I have been taking the same route for some time now and have noticed when wearing a suit the attitude of the beggars is very different.

When dressed in normal clothes they will ask for money in a nonchalant approach, “Hey bru! How’s a R2 bru?

When dressed in a suit they become much more persistent in wanting the money, “Please sir! Anything for the hungry sir? The lord will bless you sir.

The same people would get on their knees and plead with me for money. By wearing more expensive clothes I felt obliged to help the beggars out.

  • Different ties can change the look and feel of the suit.
  • You get more of a response from people when wearing a suit. Which I find to be a bunch of bull. Labels are far too easy to slap onto people. This week has really taught me a lot about people and their reactions to others.

  • I can tie a tie in 10 seconds flat.

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