23 May 2014 Friday
So it’s Friday. I finished college at about 3 and because I worked so hard throughout the week, I thought I deserved a beer. I went to one of my favourite watering holes, Billy The B.U.M.S. Walking into the establishment I felt like a businessman on a much-needed break. I was lucky enough that there weren’t many people at the restaurant but the few that were there gave me strange looks as if to say, “why is that kid wearing a suit?”
So it’s Friday. I finished college at about 3 and because I worked so hard throughout the week, I thought I deserved a beer. I went to one of my favourite watering holes, Billy The B.U.M.S. Walking into the establishment I felt like a businessman on a much-needed break. I was lucky enough that there weren’t many people at the restaurant but the few that were there gave me strange looks as if to say, “why is that kid wearing a suit?”
I had worked at Billy’s for about 9 months
and still are friends with many of the waiters and waitresses. I sat at an
outside table with my back towards the door as to hide my face. I wanted to see
if anyone would notice me in my new attire. A waitress who I have know for some
time (Jadine) approached me with a cheerful “good morning” and began to ask if
I would like anything to drink. As soon as she realised it was me she stopped
mid-sentence and burst out laughing.

The time was now 5 and after having a few
quiet beers I thought it would be a good idea to go skateboarding with my
friend (Jarryd) around my moms house in Grayville. Not wearing my suit of
course. I would have to hire a team of surgeons to remove my dads’ foot from my
rear-end if I ruined the suit in any way. My mom lives in Robarts Road. The road is on a heavy slope that is great
for skating down. The only problem is that at the bottom of the hill there is a
T-junction. Which is awesome because you can carry on skating either left or
right. The only downside is the traffic and the fact that you can’t really see
anything coming when you’re skating down the hill. So someone has to stand at
the bottom and warm you if there is any car coming.
The higher you go up the hill will
determine how fast you will eventually be going when you get to the bottom. I
don’t know what was giving me the courage to go higher and higher (beer)
because I knew eventually our luck would run out and one of us would fall. Or
get hit by a car.
Take one guess that that person was.
This was around my tenth try at tackling
this hill and Jarryd and myself had worked out a foolproof method of telling
each other if a car was coming. Simply shout, “STOP!” Going from the top of the
hill I began my descent. Sliding right to left as to keep balance. All I could
hear was the sound of the wind rushing past my ears and the gravel passing
underneath my feet. Nearing the bottom of the hill I saw Jarryd flapping his
arms like a confused chicken. I felt a sickening pull in my gut, “hmm..well now
what?” I jumped onto what I thought would be a soft cushion of grass but turned
out to be a hard patch of dirt. The next sound I heard was Jarryd laughing and
running over.
A twisted knee and grazes on my arms and
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